Professional Development Training

In addition to SIC Training provided by SC-SIC, there are other professional development training opportunities offered through local and national agencies. These trainings will provide you with specialized knowledge on a topic identified in your school community.

SC Thrive (formerly known as The Benefit Bank of SC)

As noted on the local resources page, SC Thrive offers a plethora of resources concerning families and communities. According to their website, “SC Thrive partners all over the state of SC are learning about state and federal programs, community case management, mental health, and other resources through a variety of educational training provided in their community.” Thrive partners can then assist in their communities to help educate clients on state and federal programs. 

Their training opportunities include topics such as:

  • Adult Mental Health First Aid

  • Self-Care

  • Benefits Training

Links to register for these trainings are here.

Training Contact

If you have questions about specific trainings, contact:

Crystal Phillips, Director of Training, by email at

Barbara Miller, Senior Training Coordinator, by email at

If you have general questions, contact:

SC Office of the Attorney General/SC Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force

The SC Office of the Attorney General offers training for all audiences in regards to internet safety.

Internet Safety Awareness (programs for parents/teachers/students, etc.)

When requesting this presentation, specify the age group in which this presentation will be utilized so the content will be applicable and appropriate.  

This course is designed to ensure communities across South Carolina have access to quality training regarding online safety, digital citizenship, and social media. As most schools in SC integrate more technology into the classroom, we need to also take responsibility for this technology by teaching the members of our community how to use it safely and responsibly. The education of students on how to safely navigate their digital world is of utmost importance, but teaching our parents and professionals how to successfully implement this technology is just as necessary. Our programs cover all these topics with the intent of our visit being just the beginning of the conversation which must be continued through the entirety of the education process.  

Training Contact

To schedule this training, visit this webpage.

If you have questions about specific trainings, contact:

Kenyetta Mitchell by email at or by phone at 803-734-2593.

Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD)

MADD offers trainings that are appropriate for a variety of age ranges, starting at late elementary school through adults.

Power of Me program (4th and 5th grade students)

The Power of Me program is a classroom or auditorium based alcohol use prevention and vehicle safety presentation for 4th and 5th grade students. Power of Me aims to prevent underage drinking and reduce alcohol-related injuries and death among children and youth due to underage alcohol use and riding in vehicles with impaired drivers. Power of Me addresses South Carolina Health Standards on the dangers of substance use.

Power of Youth program (middle school students)

Research-based information on the dangers of underage drinking and drug use. This program prepares youth with the tools to resist peer pressure and empower youth to take the next step and influence their friends to take the right steps. This program is classroom- or auditorium-based. Power of Youth Middle School addresses South Carolina Health Standards on the dangers of substance use.  

Power of Parents program

Parenting is not an easy job, especially when it comes to alcohol, but MADD can help. Power of Parents is an educational program that helps parents of middle and high school students have intentional, ongoing conversation with their children to steer them clear of the dangers of underage drinking.  

Training Contact

If you have questions about specific trainings, contact:

Morgan Mays, Underage Drinking Prevention Program Specialist, by email at or by phone at 803-784-7333.

In addition to trainings, Morgan Mayes is also available for health and resource fairs.

Pathways to Healing

Pathways to Healing is a private, nonprofit organization that advocates for and supports survivors of sexual assault and abuse in Richland, Lexington, Newberry, Clarendon, and Sumter counties and educates the community to identify and prevent sexual violence.

Building Healthy Communities (students)

Cost: free

Primary prevention for middle and high school- Pathways to Healing staff comes in to teach. 

  • Lesson 1: The Effect of Gender Stereotypes & Media Influence on Violence in Relationships 

  • Lesson 2: Setting Boundaries Face to Face and Online 

  • Lesson 3: Effective Communication Strategies 

  • Lesson 4: Prevention of Sexual Harassment & Bullying (MS)/Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Stalking (HS) 

  • Lesson 5: Healthy Relationships and Prevention of Teen Dating Violence 

  • Lesson 6: Building a Community Free of Sexual Violence  

Building Healthy Communities 3-Day Facilitator Training (school faculty & staff)

Cost: High school curriculum only $8500, middle school curriculum only $8500, middle and high school curriculums $14,000 for up to 25 participants.

Pathways to Healing staff teaches the program to your staff to facilitate training in your school. 

  • Up to 25 people may be trained per session 

  • Includes all training materials and technical support for one year 

  • All participants must attend all portions of the training to receive certification

  • Individuals may also attend facilitator training at a rate of $350 per person per curriculum.   

Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children (adults)

Cost: $16/attendant

Darkness to Light’s Stewards of Children is an evidence informed, 2-hour training that teaches adults to prevent, recognize and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Additionally, the training is approved for 2 hours of Continuing Education for nurses, social workers, and childcare professionals.  

Sexual Assault 101 (SA101) (adults)

Cost: free 

This session provides participants with an overview of the definition and prevalence of sexual violence. The presenter will highlight the impact of sexual violence in the community and on key demographics, review the rates of sexual violence nationally and locally, the causes of sexual violence, and how to support survivors. Participants will gain an understanding of how rape culture manifests within society and how everyone can be a part of the solution.  

Legislation & Mandatory Reporting (adults)

Cost: free 

This session reviews the important legislation related to sexual assault prevention programming in SC Schools. Participants will review the requirements and restrictions based on CHEA and Erin’s Law and review mandated reporting statutes. The session ends with case studies to review real life responses to disclosures of child sexual abuse.  

Child Maltreatment and Mandatory Reporting: Recognizing and Responding to Child Sexual Abuse (adults)

Cost: free 

This session reviews the terms, prevalence, myths and realities of sexual assault and abuse, possible indicators of child sexual abuse, and mandatory reporting. The session ends with a review of action items for participants to support survivors and contribute to a community free from sexual violence.  

Trauma & Resiliency (adults)

Cost: free 

This session identifies various causes of trauma and how that can manifest in survivors while diving into the neurology of the brain to help participants gain an understanding of the biologic “why” behind those behaviors. We will discuss the resiliency of the brain and how supporters can interact with survivors to be part of their healing to create lasting resiliency.  

Building Healthier Communities with SRO Support (adults)

Cost: free 

This session goes through an overview of our BHC curriculum, dives into what is primary prevention and how it can be effective in schools, trauma-informed care, mandatory reporting, and identifying risk factors for violence and addressing cultural competency.  

Analysis and Impact of Rape Culture  (adults)

Cost: free 

This session will provide attendees with a foundational understanding of the issues contributing to sexual violence and rape culture. Participants will synthesize their understanding of the myths and dynamics of sexual violence with the normalization of sexual harm in media to recognize and explore the impact of rape culture on individuals and communities.  

Training Contact

If you have questions about specific trainings or to schedule, contact:

Children’s Trust of South Carolina

Children’s Trust of South Carolina is the statewide organization focused on the prevention of child abuse and neglect.

Introduction to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Training 

Cost: free

Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are traumatic events that occur in a child’s life. Science shows the strong relationship between the adversity we experience as children and negative health and well-being as adults. By better understanding ACEs, what they are and how they can manifest themselves years later, communities can work to prevent future abuse and improve outcomes for South Carolina’s children and families.  

After the ACEs training you will be able to:  

  • Know and be able to clearly articulate basic information about ACEs impact on brain development, ACE research findings, and know how protective systems work to reduce ACEs.  

  • Understand the impact that ACEs have had on their own lives. 

  • Establish a common language around ACEs and Protective Factors as the first step to working together towards a plan of action. 

Training Contact

If you have questions about specific trainings, contact:

Kelly Wuest, M.Ed., Director of Training and Workforce Development, by email at, or by phone at 803-774-4039.