“The Basics” Training

“The Basics” for Effective School Improvement Councils

This 60-minute training, based on the SC-SIC’s Handbook, “The Basics,” is designed primarily for newly elected and appointed SIC members and is also an ideal refresher course for longer-serving SIC members. The training provides an overview of SIC legislative mandates and history, the elections and appointment process, SIC membership requirements, SC-SIC support and resources, and explains the primary roles and responsibilities of local SICs and their members.

Cost: free

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees

Ideally district level training; all schools in district invited; attendance open statewide. Individual school level training may be held if conducted by SC-SIC certified district personnel or by SC-SIC staff for Palmetto Priority Schools.


SC-SIC district personnel or SC-SIC staff can both be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi; host provides copies of handout.

Advanced Training

Once you have completed “The Basics” training, browse other training opportunities that SC-SIC has to offer below.

SIC Leadership

This 60-minute training offers helpful tips to SIC Chairs, principals and veteran SIC members in planning and running productive SIC meetings, as well as insights into activating SICs and committees to perform vital work for their schools. Trainees will be given guidance in developing meeting agendas, keeping effective minutes, bylaws creation, meeting announcement guidelines, as well steps to identify and recruit SIC committee members and candidates for election or appointment to their SIC.

Cost: free

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees

Ideally district level training; all schools in district invited; attendance open statewide.


SC-SIC staff can be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi; host provides copies of handout.

Effective, Ethical Advocacy with Elected Officials

This 60-minute training, ideal for those SIC members who have completed SIC Basics training, provides insights, tools and strategies for SIC members to be effective advocates for their schools, districts and public education. Trainees will be exposed to a variety of approaches and resources to mobilize community support through advocacy with their local and statewide elected officials, and will receive guidance in the proper methods of advocating in accordance with SIC guidelines and those of the S.C. Ethics Commission.

Cost: free

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees

Ideally district level training; all schools in district invited; attendance open statewide.


SC-SIC staff can be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi; host provides copies of handout.

Conversation for SIC Goal Setting

Designed for individual SICs. This session, which typically lasts for two hours, provides structured dialogue to assist SIC members and school administrators to develop a specific set of goals uniquely tailored to their school’s needs. Goals will be based on issues identified through facilitated discussion and tied to the school’s strategic plan. In this session, SIC members will gain understanding of the strategic plan, discuss strengths and challenges of their school, identify 3 – 5 specific goals and begin developing strategies for SIC action; all with aim of assisting the school—and it’s administration, teachers and students—in meeting and exceeding the targets set for continuous improvement.

Cost: $250 (Title 1 funds can be used to pay for this training) Contact us for scholarship opportunities.

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees

Ideally, school-level training for one School Improvement Council at a time.


SC-SIC staff can be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi.

Communicating with the Greater School Community

This hour-long workshop touches on the importance of clear and frequent communication with parents, teachers and the greater school community. It outlines the development of consistent messages, the role of a communications plan and its various components, utilizing multi-media communication efforts, and the philosophy of effective two-way communications.

Cost: free

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees



SC-SIC staff can be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi.

Crafting the SIC Report to the Parents

This 45 minute long workshop outlines the steps and components of effective Reports to the Parents. As School Improvement Councils are mandated by law to issue these Reports by April 30th of each year, SIC members and principals should take steps to make them as informative and user-friendly as possible. The session will provide an overview of content, use of statistics, graphic design, printing, and distribution.

Cost: free

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees



SC-SIC staff can be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi.

Applying for the SC-SIC Riley Award for SIC Excellence

This 45 minute long workshop examines effective strategies in applying for the SC-SIC's annual Dick and Tunky Riley Award for SIC Excellence. Named in honor of the former governor and his late wife, the Award recognizes SICs that have effectively and programmatically supported civic engagement in public education. The workshop will highlight application procedures, helpful tips and case studies of former Riley Award winners.

Cost: free

Minimum/Maximum Number of Attendees



SC-SIC staff can be contacted to schedule training.

Email: sic@mailbox.sc.edu

Phone: 800-868-2232

Equipment Requirements

Laptop, projector and Wi-Fi.

Online Training

For School Improvement Councils and members who wish to quickly refresh their operational knowledge of SICs, the SC-SIC has developed three 20-minute online training videos. These videos can be viewed individually or as part of a local SIC meeting, and cover information from the Handbook. Click the YouTube embedded links below to view each segment.

The Basics of Organizing an SIC

Basic Local SIC Duties

The Basics of Operating an SIC